The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Learning From Brownfield Sites by John Little

Learning From Brownfield Sites by John Little

We now understand that the wildlife around us all today evolved and is adapted to the disturbance and chaos of landscapes carved out by large mammals. Most of our flora and fauna it seems are not happy in the closed canopy pf woodland we assumed dominated the UK. A lot of our most important sites for wildlife are in places we have thrashed and then left alone. Why then don't we design back the structural complexity, topography and substrate mosaic of the mineral extraction and brownfield sites when designing our new landscapes? John Little's talk from the Beth Chatto Symposium, Rewilding the Mind, 2022.

Winter On the Nursery - with Abi and Toms Nursery

Winter On the Nursery - with Abi and Toms Nursery

Testing Plant Identification Apps on Obscure Perennials (Apple Plant ID, Google Lens, PictureThis)

Testing Plant Identification Apps on Obscure Perennials (Apple Plant ID, Google Lens, PictureThis)