The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Landscape-led SuDS Masterclass

Landscape-led SuDS Masterclass

In this Landscape Institute masterclass, you will unlock the secret to taking control of SuDS (Sustainable Drainage Systems) design as part of the wider design of landscape schemes – Landscape-led SuDS.
We will debunk the myths that are commonly used to engineer-out good nature-based SuDS solutions, often leading to deep and unusable ‘end-of-pipe’ SuDS holes that devalue our landscapes. Instead, we’ll explore design approaches that empower us to integrate the flow of rainwater into our design processes.
In practical exercises, we will apply learning around deploying the gamut of nature-based SuDS techniques to contribute positively to both the community and wildlife.
We'll demystify hydraulic engineering to make SuDS more accessible to designers and to enable constructive collaboration with engineers.
Critical technical aspects such as inlets, outlets and flow controls will also be explored, as well as how to choose soils and plants for successful SuDS.

Time: 11/12 Feb, 13:00-17:00 GMT

Connecting the Dots to Protect the Ocean

Connecting the Dots to Protect the Ocean

Beth Chatto's Plants and Gardens - Past, Present and Future

Beth Chatto's Plants and Gardens - Past, Present and Future