The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Zsuzsanna Ihar, "Multispecies Mediations in a Post-Extractive Zone"

Zsuzsanna Ihar, "Multispecies Mediations in a Post-Extractive Zone"

@zsuzs__ talk "Multispecies Mediations in a Post-Extractive Zone" will feature discussion with Carla Freccero and MSJ editors, followed by audience Q&A. What is the nature of encounter amidst destruction? Zsuzsanna Ihar traces the subtle ways in which extractive capitalism reconfigures relations between the human and the nonhuman. She reflects on how a range of seemingly anti-social practices and behaviors provide an alternate vision of justice -- one which goes beyond the normative processes of intervention, compensation, and restitution.

Time: 23:00 BST

Sowing the Future: The Next Epoch Seed Library

Sowing the Future: The Next Epoch Seed Library

Munro Lecture: What scale is the Anthropocene? by Prof Anna L. Tsing

Munro Lecture: What scale is the Anthropocene? by Prof Anna L. Tsing