The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Julian Raxworthy Overgrown: Practice between Landscape Architecture and Gardening

Julian Raxworthy Overgrown: Practice between Landscape Architecture and Gardening

Landscape architecture has a fraught relationship with gardening, despite having developed from it via landscape gardening, as it has sought professionalization by becoming more architectural. Julian Raxworthy argues that as landscape architecture has become more representational it has lost touch with maintenance tools in gardening that allow for the optimization of the properties of change that landscape materials like plants have, such as growth. Here, Raxworthy presents an overview of his latest book, Overgrown: Practice between Landscape Architecture and Gardening which was supported by a Graham Foundation grant in 2016 and published by MIT Press in 2018. The book advances a new model for plant form: "the viridic”—from the Latin for green, virent, and growth, viridesco—a landscape equivalent of the tectonic, which has been undertheorized in landscape architecture, and encourages the discipline to engage directly with the garden.

Landscape Matters: Hurricanes and Landscape Preparedness

Landscape Matters: Hurricanes and Landscape Preparedness

The Gardenist - Bettina Jaugstater

The Gardenist - Bettina Jaugstater