The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

James Wong on Living with Pants - Fundraiser for Ukraine

James Wong on Living with Pants - Fundraiser for Ukraine

This event hosted by botanist James Wong is being held at the Garden Museum as a fundraiser for UNICEF's Ukraine Appeal.
Sharing his tiny central London flat with 500 plants, Kew-trained botanist James Wong knows a thing or two about the amazing therapeutic value of creating gardens indoors. From tiny moss terrariums, to indoor lily ponds, fern-encrusted fountains and lush living walls, James will take you on a virtual tour of all his experiments with indoor plants. He’ll reveal the tips and tricks of how to create them, and explain the enormous benefits they can bring to all our lives.
Come to an evening of jungle exploration in the great indoors, with 100% of the ticket income from James’ talk going to UNICEF. In person and online.

Time: 19:00 GMT

Unforgettable Gardens - Three Yorkshire Gardens

Unforgettable Gardens - Three Yorkshire Gardens

Why So special? Iconic C20 Landscapes - Beth Chatto Gardens

Why So special? Iconic C20 Landscapes - Beth Chatto Gardens