The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Jacob Davies ‘Reflections on Landscaping With Plants’

Jacob Davies ‘Reflections on Landscaping With Plants’

With the subtitle: ‘Thugs reappraised - how big perennials can create spectacular, low maintenance landscapes’ Jacob Davies will reconsider the view that vigorous perennials are often described as thugs, unsuitable for the home garden and will suggest that the competitive nature of these plants means that like many bulbs, they can persist in 'natural' vegetation - allowing the creation of spectacular, low maintenance plantings. Jacob will look at the history of this practice, its current use and future potential, alongside ongoing trials into the best species and techniques for home gardens and public landscapes.

Jacob Davies is a horticulturist and landscape designer; he has previously worked for Green Estate and Pictorial Meadows in Sheffield ,planning, delivering and managing planting and meadows projects in public space and private gardens around the country. He has worked on the Grey to Green scheme in Sheffield and his driving interest is in the creation of sustainable public landscapes. Friends of the Botanical Gardens Sheffield live lecture in person at Sheffiled Botanical Gardens.

Time: 19:30 BST



Student talks by Jessie Nield and John Houston - Travels through Japan and Scotland

Student talks by Jessie Nield and John Houston - Travels through Japan and Scotland