IAF Summer School with zwkr
The IAF Summer School 2023 continues to explore the theme of CONNECTION with Zwahlen Krupičková (known as zwkr), an emerging practice that combines architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning with a focus on public space.
Outside spaces are an essential part of our daily lives. Zwkr seek to improve the environment and increase biodiversity with small and local interventions, using the cycles of materiality as a designing tool. The future must consider not only buildings but also their existing surroundings.
Using examples from their practice, zwkr will present strategies on how people, animals, and plants can live together and have to be considered together: an inclusive design not only for people.
A built garden is a place of coexistence for people, plants, and insects. Landscaping around a high school contributes to connection and learning. How can we make the most of everyday opportunities to enhance the existing environment? After the presentation, there will be time for group discussion.
Time: 18:30 BST