The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Landscapes of Energy and Extraction

Landscapes of Energy and Extraction

The Practicing Landscape symposium Material Agency and Meaning will involve artist presenters Justin Carter and Onya McCausland in conversation with Geographer Dr. Danny McNally about recent projects involving material extracted from the landscape. Avoiding the traditional monologic approach to presenting work, Justin and Onya will instead try to build a shared dialogue framed by a small selection of relevant images used as wayfinders. In keeping with the speakers’ practices, the intention is for the conversation to be open and fluid, allowing ideas to emerge through conversation and exchange. This symposium will explore various approaches to engaging with materials as active agents within the art making process. This session will be chaired by Dr. Frances Robertson.

Time: 13:00 BST

Afro-Indigenous Histories of Food and Gardening: Garifuna Plant Knowledge, Past and Present

Afro-Indigenous Histories of Food and Gardening: Garifuna Plant Knowledge, Past and Present

Heatherwick Studio: The Vanguard of Cutting-Edge Design

Heatherwick Studio: The Vanguard of Cutting-Edge Design