The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Hepworth Spring Fower Festival

Hepworth Spring Fower Festival

Hepworth Gallery Spring Flower Festival, featuring a series of garden related talks. 27 April - Designer of The Hepworth Wakefield Garden, Tom Stuart-Smith will be in-conversation with garden historian and journalist, Tim Richardson. During this talk, participants will be given an insight into the inspirations and methods behind Stuart-Smith many award-winning gardens across the world. 29 April - Award-winning garden and landscape designer, writer, radio and television broadcaster Matthew Wilson to explore the principles of garden design and the range of considerations involved when putting a garden together.1 May - Jason Ingram is an award-winning photographer who travels widely photographing gardens, plants, food and people for magazines, books and advertising campaigns. Ingram's photographs of The Hepworth Wakefield Garden accompanied a major front cover feature in the February issue of Gardens Illustrated. He will share his experience of photographing plants and gardens, offering his expertise and tips on how to capture the best photographs of your own garden.

Time of all events: 18:30 BST

@hepworthwakefield @tomstuartsmith @matthewwilsongardens @jasoningram

All about trees! by Tony Kirkham

All about trees! by Tony Kirkham

LI Webinar: Planning for Long Term Urban Resilience

LI Webinar: Planning for Long Term Urban Resilience