The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Habitat Creations for Butterflies, People and other Animals by Clive Farrell - Dorset

Habitat Creations for Butterflies, People and other Animals by Clive Farrell - Dorset

Join this talk for Plant Heritage on “Habitat Creations for Butterflies, People and other Animals” by Clive Farrell from The Butterfly Garden near Sherborne. Some of his garden features include, Giant Dragons, Hermits retreats, swimming ponds all of which combine beauty and wildlife habitat.

Time: 19:00 GMT

Rosy Hardy Gardening - How to Prune Back Your Shrubs to Overwinter & Cutting Back Hardy Perennials - No.2

Rosy Hardy Gardening - How to Prune Back Your Shrubs to Overwinter & Cutting Back Hardy Perennials - No.2

Biodiversity and Sustainability' A Talk by Alistair Griffiths - Cobham

Biodiversity and Sustainability' A Talk by Alistair Griffiths - Cobham