The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Gratitude is a Way of Life: A webinar with Kathleen Dean Moore

Gratitude is a Way of Life: A webinar with Kathleen Dean Moore

We are only now beginning to understand how fully we depend on the Earth’s freely given gifts of life, health, emotional well-being, meaning, and so much more – everything, endlessly, on and on. Earth’s gifts call us fundamentally to gratitude, a glad appreciation of the worth and generosity of the gifts. Furthermore, they call us to give our own gifts in turn. Like the cormorant, like the salmon, like the yammering gulls, we reciprocate when we use our gifts well for the benefit of the Earth’s systems and the inhabitants who depend on it. In this way, gratitude for our abundant gifts is the root of our moral obligations to the past, for the gifts it has protected and passed on to us, and our duties to the future, to keep the circles of reciprocity spinning, to avert the coming environmental calamities, and to leave a world as rich in possibilities as the world that has been given to us.
In this webinar conversation, Dr. Kathleen Dean Moore discusses gratitude, the joy of restoration work, and how to be strong in the face of the grief and fear caused by climate chaos and ecosystem collapse.

Time: 1:30 BST

Darryl Moore - Gardening in a Changing World

Darryl Moore - Gardening in a Changing World

A Deep Look into Earth Day 2023: New Science for a Changing World

A Deep Look into Earth Day 2023: New Science for a Changing World