AI - Climate Change friend or foe?
The existential threat to humanity from Climate Change requires action at a scale and speed that can seem almost impossible, transitioning systems that have operated for decades on fossil fuels to a completely new paradigm. Aidan O’Sullivan (Associate Professor in Energy and AI at UCL Energy Institute and Turing Fellow at Alan Turing Institute) will talk about how Artificial Intelligence is a natural ally and catalyst for this change and the fundamental characteristics of AI as a software technology are ideally suited to enable the scale and speed of action that we need to mitigate a climate disaster. Kate Jones (Professor of Ecology and Biodiversity at Department of Genetics, Evolution & Environment, UCL) will then look at whether AI can be useful for understanding climate change impacts and solutions and Geoff Mulgan (Professor of Collective Intelligence, Public Policy & Social Innovation at University College London) will then discuss the potential of AI to combat climate change – but also and why we need radically different ways of organising data for the full benefits to be achieved and why AI needs to be combined with human collective intelligence.
Time: 13:00 BST