The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Getting to Grips with the Climate Science

Getting to Grips with the Climate Science

Climate change has become the defining issue of our times but it can feel vague, far away and confusing. Let’s be honest, climate science is hard. It weaves together geography, physics, chemistry, sociology, economics and politics. And new research is coming out all the time.
Newspapers and doom mongering headlines don’t help either. It can be tempting to put your head in the sand, scroll past and ignore it. Climate change can also be a difficult topic to bring up with your friends, family or colleagues. It can generate eye rolls, fact throwing and even arguments. It can then be lonely if you feel like the only one worrying.
Getting to grips with the climate science
Join a small-group of like-minded people at the Goethe Institute, using a series of cards, to map out the systemic nature of climate change. You’ll be working through a visual version of the science reports produced by the UN (IPCC 6th cycle assessment, August 2021). More than 260 000 people have played this game worldwide. Over 3 hours explore the science - where no question is a silly one - and reflect on what it means for us and what we can do about it.

Time: 10:00 GMT

Rewilding our minds and resacralising our living planet

Rewilding our minds and resacralising our living planet

Plants as Liberation: Kamili Bell Hill

Plants as Liberation: Kamili Bell Hill