The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Gertrude Jekyll Garden – Vann in Godalming, Surrey

Gertrude Jekyll Garden – Vann in Godalming, Surrey

NGS welcome you to Vann in Godalming, Surrey. Five-acre, 2* English Heritage registered garden surrounding house dating back to 1542 with Arts and Crafts additions by W D Caröe incl a Bargate stone pergola. At the front, brick paved original cottage garden; to the rear a lake, yew walk with rill and Gertrude Jekyll water garden. Snowdrops and hellebores, spring bulbs, spectacular Fritillaria in Feb/March. Island beds, crinkle crankle wall, orchard with wildflowers. Vegetable garden. Booking essential.

Time: 10:00 BST @nationalgardenscheme

Rosie Hardy on Lathyrus vernus

Rosie Hardy on Lathyrus vernus

Kathryn Gustafson on The Art of Landscape Architecture

Kathryn Gustafson on The Art of Landscape Architecture