The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Foraging for Regeneration

Foraging for Regeneration

The garden and wider estate at Great Dixter provide multi-layered rich habitats for insects, birds and humans to interact with. Join Dixter Gardener Michael Wachter for an afternoon of gentle exploration around the grounds and an introduction to the wonders of harvesting in a regenerative way. Topics will include: identifying, harvesting and preparing wild plants for culinary, medicinal and ceremonial purposes; tending to the land; foraging and the law; regenerative harvesting practices; mindfulness in nature and understanding and enhancing plant habitats.

Time: 14:00 BST

Earth Day 2023 with Sam Van Aken: Re-Orcharding New York

Earth Day 2023 with Sam Van Aken: Re-Orcharding New York

Finding New Allies in the Campaign to Save Our Ecosystems

Finding New Allies in the Campaign to Save Our Ecosystems