The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Evolution ‘On Purpose’: Teleonomy in Living Systems

Evolution ‘On Purpose’: Teleonomy in Living Systems

Although it is now widely accepted that living systems exhibit an internal teleology, or teleonomy, the full implications of this distinctive biological property have yet to be explored. This online conference will seek to address various aspects of this important phenomenon, including the origins and history of the teleonomy concept, its scope and meaning, and its many forms and facets.
Possible topics may include: an historical review of teleological thinking; teleology (and entelechy) versus teleonomy in evolutionary theory; the nature of teleonomy (who/what is in control, and how?); agency and teleonomy; semiotics and teleonomy; modeling teleonomic processes; teleonomy in the genome, in epigenesis, in physiology, and in behaviour; teleonomy and natural selection; teleonomy in human evolution; and, especially significant, how teleonomy has influenced the evolutionary process. 2 Day Conference presented by the @linneansociety

28/29 July 13:00-20:30 BST each day

Nature by Design? The Path to Wilderness Lodge

Nature by Design? The Path to Wilderness Lodge

Exploring Earthworm Ecology

Exploring Earthworm Ecology