The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Forest Bathing - Kew Gardens

Forest Bathing - Kew Gardens

Forest Bathing at Kew Gardens is an enjoyable and restorative nature-based wellbeing practice. Together with other participants you will be guided on a slow, sensory woodland walk designed to calm your body and mind. Forest Bathing can help you quiet your mind, relax deeply, boost your body's natural defences, sleep better and much more. The session is a naturally therapeutic experience with potentially profound relaxation and time to enjoy the beauty and positive effects of being in nature.

Time: 10:30 BST*13nll59*_ga*NTk0MzkwNzIxLjE2Njk1NTY4MjM.*_ga_ZVV2HHW7P6*MTY4NjY5MDEzMC41LjEuMTY4NjY5MDE2Ni4wLjAuMA..*_ga_S65ZS9BH8P*MTY4NjY5MDEzMC41LjEuMTY4NjY5MDE2Ni4wLjAuMA..&_ga=2.249645254.1763313414.1686690130-594390721.1669556823&_gac=1.226681711.1686690130.CjwKCAjwp6CkBhB_EiwAlQVyxSuobqYog5o3SnAXio2tF-KTf-IK5BC5njpOcU4WxMCDDcx2mqSdrBoCbTIQAvD_BwE

Yesterdays Gardener

Yesterdays Gardener

Plant Heritage Open Day for Salix - Carmarthenshire

Plant Heritage Open Day for Salix - Carmarthenshire