The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Dust to Earth: Radical Environmental Activism and Terrestrial Ecotopias

Dust to Earth: Radical Environmental Activism and Terrestrial Ecotopias

Informal discussion groups focused around Nottingham Contemporary's current exhibition Our Silver City, 2094. The title refers to extra-terrestrial particles known as cosmic dust, a key source for life on earth. Readings and discussions explore forms of relationships between the sea, the land and the sky. Cosmic dust becomes a starting point to explore ideas of geology, cosmology, deep time and collective resistance.
This session will explore key themes and trends within green utopianism and ‘terrestrial ecotopianism’ of radical environmental activists’ which strives to enact more ethical and egalitarian human-nonhuman relations in the ‘here below’ on our damaged terra. We’ll close with reflections on how we might enact worlds that work for the many- human and nonhuman alike.
Alberro, H., 2021. In and Against Eco-Apocalypse: On the Terrestrial Ecotopianism of Radical Environmental Activists. Utopian Studies, 32(1), pp.36-55 (pdf link on booking page).

Time 18:30 GMT

The Modern Cottage Garden: Greg Loades

The Modern Cottage Garden: Greg Loades

Living Medicine - Seasonal Self Care Winter

Living Medicine - Seasonal Self Care Winter