The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Curiosity in the Field of Dreams, Plantsman Roy Diblik

Curiosity in the Field of Dreams, Plantsman Roy Diblik

Great gardens need great plants, and great plants people the world over, throughout history, have made it their lives’ calling to bring gardeners great plants – whether introducing native plants to the horticultural trade, selecting best garden-varieties from naturally occurring choices, by breeding, and by educating both the trade and gardeners in their gardens on best cultivation of these same plants.
Roy Diblik, the guest on Cultivating Place is one such well known and long respected plantsperson who has helped to shift our horticultural world for the better these past many decades.
Roy who began selecting and propagating native plants for ecologically and beautiful gardens beginning in the 1970s and as a gardener, nurseryman, writer and thinker he went on to co-found Northwind Perennials Farm, a nursery and garden design business based in Burlington, Wisconsin, serving public and private gardens and gardeners. Roy is an expert at creating compelling and ecologically-contributing combinations of native and nonnative plants using methods he variously describes as watercolor style of planting, and “know maintenance” designs. It is a pleasure to welcome this national treasure of a plantsman to the program. Roy’s knowledge and passion has something to offer every garden and every gardener.

Cutting Back in the Gravel Garden

Cutting Back in the Gravel Garden

Open Days (US)

Open Days (US)