The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Iconic C20 Landscapes - Kennedy Memorial

Iconic C20 Landscapes - Kennedy Memorial

The huge Portland stone slab that forms the John F Kennedy Memorial was listed Grade ll in 1998. It is located on the fringe of a finger of woodland and set in an ‘acre of Runnymede’ on grazing land rising above the meadow. It is this, the rest of the site that was recently added to Historic England’s register, although it is surely hard to find a design that is not more integrated with its landscape. The JFK Memorial soon became a celebrated landscape design, it was significant to Jellicoe’s career, and it has continued to attract widespread interest and praise. Like one of the swans gliding on the Thames below, however, many feet have paddled hard to help both create and keep this designed landscape sublime, and Annabel Downs will tell some of the stories that are part of its history.
In her capacity as Secretary to the Kennedy Memorial Trust, Annie Thomas liaised between the Kennedy Trustees and the National Trust as they cared for Jellicoe’s memorial ‘in landscape and stone’ at Runnymede. As an administrator, albeit with a rural heart and heritage, she describes her working relationship with those employed by the National Trust to care for the whole of the Runnymede site and some of the issues they had to contend with in relation to the Kennedy Memorial.

Time: 18:00 GMT

Fantastic Fronds

Fantastic Fronds

LI Webinar: Urban reforestation as effective climate change mitigation

LI Webinar: Urban reforestation as effective climate change mitigation