The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Challenges and Opportunities for Olmsted Parks

Challenges and Opportunities for Olmsted Parks

Olmsted 200 presents a webinar exploring different aspects of Olmsted’s far-reaching influence on America’s physical landscape and social fabric, and his legacy of parks for all people.
Parks and public spaces face more challenges and threats than ever before. In some cases, development has nearly destroyed these historic landscapes, altering them with highways, towers, and more. Unfortunately, once open spaces are gone, they’re gone forever. In the age of the pandemic, our nation’s parks and open green spaces have served as places of healthful recreation and respite – but they are not self-sustaining, and greater use has meant greater demand for care and attention, often with far smaller budgets.
This panel discussion will be moderated by Stephanie Crockatt, with panelists Karen Mauney-Brodek, Andy Mitton, Rosamond Fletcher.

Time: 20:00 GMT

Why So special? Iconic C20 Landscapes - Alton East and West

Why So special? Iconic C20 Landscapes - Alton East and West

KMIS lecture: Murder most florid - the power of forensic botany

KMIS lecture: Murder most florid - the power of forensic botany