The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Book Launch: Tom Massey - Resilient Garden

Book Launch: Tom Massey - Resilient Garden

Tom Massey is one of the leading designers of his generation and his new book, RHS Resilient Garden (published by DK in April) is a climate emergency call to action for us all to garden more sustainably.
In an exclusive evening at the Garden Museum to mark the publication, hear Tom and some of the book’s expert contributors discuss the important issue of climate-resilient gardening. Grounded in the latest RHS research, Tom’s future-focused book reveals his design for a garden that will withstand our variable and changing climate, with insights from world-leading scientists, horticultural experts and growers. The evening will be chaired by Chris Young, who will welcome guests Tayshan Hayden-Smith, Dr Tijana Blanusa, Dr Hayley Jones on stage, and Thomas Rainer online from the USA, joining Tom Massey for a panel discussion on resilient gardening.
How can we design our gardens and green spaces to become more adaptable in a warming climate? How resilient are gardens, in the face of extreme weather events such as heatwaves and drought or excessive rainfall and flooding? Why should we be planting our own food forests, adopting green roof and swale planting, harvesting rainwater, or adding hügelkultur mounds? What are the best plants to cool the air and trap harmful pollutants?

Time: 19:00 BST

Understanding our Urban Streams Through History, Geography, and Ecology

Understanding our Urban Streams Through History, Geography, and Ecology

Changing urban tree planting perceptions and methods

Changing urban tree planting perceptions and methods