The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Blak Outside - Creative Resilience

Blak Outside - Creative Resilience

This year @blak_outside festival has the theme of ‘Creative Resilience’ following on from last years highly successful ‘Rooted’, exploring the Black diaspora, plants, music and much more.

This is the first part of four events held over the year.


Carole Wright founder of @Blak_Outside, in discussion with make:good. Carole is a community garden manager, beekeeper and proud South Londoner who is working tirelessly to create more inclusive spaces for BIPOC and communities of colour to explore nature and the outdoors. She discusses the roots of her passion, the joy of exploring London's green spaces and how the outdoors can really help to bring people together.

An online beginners forage workshop with herbs typically found in Spring, discussing: plant ID, stems, leaves, flower buds, lookalikes, Linnaen naming convention (scientific).

Black Girls Boom exploring ways to honour and hold space for our grief whilst also cultivating joy, hope and new old ways of being in relation to ourselves, each other and the earth.

Black Art Action Berlin (BAAB), a Berlin-based collective of Black artists and creatives who connect art with activism.

A film screening of 'INJUSTICE', is a blow by blow account of the relentless struggles of the families as they find out how they lost their loved ones in extremely violent deaths at the hands of police officers.

A talk about the history of dub, a houseplant sale , plenty of DJ sets and much more!

Various times 22-25 April

Celebrating Spring Flowering Quince (Chaenomeles) by David Ford

Celebrating Spring Flowering Quince (Chaenomeles) by David Ford

Permaculture on Sark, by Helen Magell

Permaculture on Sark, by Helen Magell