The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Biodiversity Net Gain - Design and Delivery within development

Biodiversity Net Gain - Design and Delivery within development

The mandatory requirement of Biodiversity Net Gain introduced under The Environment Act 2021 finally comes into force in January 2024. New developments need to achieve a 10 percent increase in suitable habitat on site, or off-site if on site gain is not possible. This requirement opens new opportunities for closer collaboration between Landscape Architects and Ecologists on future projects.

This Landscape Institute initial workshop presents a networking space to share knowledge, form partnerships and build new relationships between ecology and landscape architecture professionals. We will look at practical case studies of projects where Landscape Architects and Ecologists worked together to achieve net gain in biodiversity. We expect a future series of workshops to develop out of this programme.
We will share experiences and knowledge of BNG delivery which balance amenity with biodiversity enhancement. We will discuss opportunities and challenges associated with habitat design, creation and management. We will present examples of projects that have navigated the relationship and balance between habitat for wildlife and habitat that also provide amenity and local access.
There will be an opportunity to explore how the two professions use terminology to reflect their differing priorities and perspectives, to help articulate where conflicts can arise.

Time: 18:30 GMT

Jennifer Gay, Landscape Architect, Gardener, Writer

Jennifer Gay, Landscape Architect, Gardener, Writer

Caleb Melchior on being a landscape architect

Caleb Melchior on being a landscape architect