The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Plant-based Foods and the City: From Seed to Take-Out

Plant-based Foods and the City: From Seed to Take-Out

Vegan, vegetarian, and other plant-based diets are championed by many as a powerful approach to health, environmental sustainability, and a more humane and ethical food system. Critics, on the other hand, are concerned with highly processed, popular plant-based products; the disconnect between plant-based diets and cultural food traditions; and the implications of removing animals from agricultural systems. This webinar, moderated by Fordham University Associate Professor Garrett Broad, brings together nutrition scientists and experts from the growing plant-based food industry for a discussion that traces plant-based foods from fields to restaurants, bodegas, and take-out containers in the Bronx and beyond. Featuring: Erick Castro is Co-founder and Creative Director of Plantega, a community-powered vegan food systems solution headquartered in the Bronx, New York; Dil Thavarajah, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences at Clemson University, South Carolina.

Time: 16:00 BST

Heuchera, × Heucherella, Tiarella

Heuchera, × Heucherella, Tiarella

John Brookes and Denmans with Gwendolyn van Paasschen

John Brookes and Denmans with Gwendolyn van Paasschen