The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Around Britain in 25 grasses

Around Britain in 25 grasses

Grasses, sedges and rushes are crucial indicator species for a range of habitats, both telling you the vegetation type you are in, but also its quality and how well it is being managed. Despite this, many people struggle with their ID, partly due to an absence of large showy flowers.
This course will focus on 5 key species from 5 habitats - improved, calcareous and acid grassland/heath, mire and woodland. The aim will be to show the key features of each species, using simple and memorable vegetative characteristics that can be used all year round.
Habitats will be referenced by Phase 1, UK Habitat Classification and NVC communities, with discussion of what constitutes good quality and poor quality habitats.
The course will include a range of tests, giving you the chance to re-run over these features to help learn them.
Although it is hard to exactly replicate the experience of learning in the field, this course does have the advantage of covering a wider range of habitats than would normally be possible, as well as a chance to see some of the vegetative features in close up (and no risk of your notes getting soaked in a rain storm!).

Time: link to the video tutorial to watch in a specific 24hour period of your choice.

Landscape Seminar Series - Tiago Torres Campos / RISD

Landscape Seminar Series - Tiago Torres Campos / RISD

Biodiversity for all

Biodiversity for all