The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Ancient Woodland Indicator Species

Ancient Woodland Indicator Species

First initiated in the 1980's, the ancient woodland inventory was developed as an evidence-based conservation management tool and put Britain (quite literally) on the map for woodland conservation.
The previous inventory identified woodlands that are thought to date back to the 1600’s. However, other habitat types such as wood-pasture and parkland were not a priority at the time and were therefore not surveyed. This, coupled with new developments in scientific literature, calls for an update.
Join Charlotte Dacre, the Ancient Woodland Inventory Officer for Wiltshire in this online training event on ancient woodland indicator species. From wildflowers to ancient trees, there is always something new to discover in our chalk and cheese landscape. Throughout the session we will explore the different types of habitats and plants you're likely to come across in ancient woodlands, and maybe even some species that you can find in your own back garden! Online.

Time: 19:00 GMT

Galanthophilia! A passion for snowdrops, with David Culp

Galanthophilia! A passion for snowdrops, with David Culp

Litter Trappers Revisited

Litter Trappers Revisited