The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Online Lecture: William Wrighte's Grotesque Architecture of 1767

Online Lecture: William Wrighte's Grotesque Architecture of 1767

This talk will use architect William Wrighte’s Grotesque Architecture, or Rural Amusement, first published in 1767, to explore the diverse concepts which underlay garden fabrick designs of the period, which incorporated materials such as tree roots, shells and animal bones.The élite eighteenth-century designed landscape was a place of novelty, artfully planned not only to offer spaces of delight and repose but also to induce in the visitor frissons of astonishment and awe. Garden structures, or ‘Fabricks’, played their part as theatrical set-pieces. In this lecture Rosemary Yallop will explore the diverse concepts which underlay the garden.

Time: 18:30 GMT

An introduction to foraging Seaweed with Jason Byles

An introduction to foraging Seaweed with Jason Byles

Top Ten Elements of Sustainable Landscape Design

Top Ten Elements of Sustainable Landscape Design