The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

African American Garden: The Caribbean Experience

African American Garden: The Caribbean Experience

The US' Caribbean region is one of vast cultural diversity. From the middle of the 17th century well into the 20th, the main cash crop was sugar cane, initially cultivated by the forced agricultural labor of enslaved ancestors. Discover the sugar cane that ruled lives for centuries and grew in the fields. Discover our tropical bounty and find plants that we grew near our homes to feed ourselves, used as medicine, and that allowed expressions of creativity by weaving baskets, dyeing fabrics, and making musical instruments that rhythmed a hemisphere. Explore the African American Garden: The Caribbean Experience and the planted species with this interactive map.

Time: various

The Glory of the Garden

The Glory of the Garden

5x15 and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: Trees and Forests

5x15 and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: Trees and Forests