The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

A Tiny Wilderness

A Tiny Wilderness

What can a brand new patch of nature tell us about Europe's ancient history?
In this episode of Future Ecologies podcast, they touch down in the Netherlands, where an unconventional experiment (the Oostvaardersplassen) has shaken up both the field of ecology and Dutch society. What started as a bird watcher’s obsession with thousands of trekking geese, led to a criticism of one of the central tenets in ecology: ecosystem succession.
Enter a counter-theory that would return the rarest of birds, butterflies, and a once-extinct mega mammal to one of the most densely populated countries on earth.

Back to Earth

Back to Earth

Joan Nogué, “A Journey through Landscape: From Theory to Practice

Joan Nogué, “A Journey through Landscape: From Theory to Practice