The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

The Green Path: Foraging, Rewilding and Nature Connection

The Green Path: Foraging, Rewilding and Nature Connection

Learn about the edible past and present uses of wild plants and how to forage in harmony with the ecosystem. Every plant has a story of how humans worked with plants in the past. Foraging and farming are two very different worldviews, and many approach wild plants with the farmer's worldview thereby upsetting the ecosystem even more. @eatweedsuk a plant-based forager, ethnobotanical researcher and wild food educator, who has published numerous foraging guide book, will talk about the edible past and present uses of wild plants. As well as what the plant's story tells us about how to forage correctly.
Time: 19:00 BST


Unforgettable Gardens - Alnwick Gardens

Unforgettable Gardens - Alnwick Gardens

Rewilding: The road ahead

Rewilding: The road ahead