The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

5th Annual Native Plant Symposium

5th Annual Native Plant Symposium

Attention all US native plant and pollinator enthusiasts! Spring is around the corner and so are the opportunities to learn about Native Plants! Join Montana Audubon Center virtually for their 5th Annual Native Plant Symposium! The theme for this year is Urban Gardening for Wildlife. By partnering with local experts from MSUB, Billings City Parks, and the Yellowstone County Weed District, we hope to educate about how you can build ecosystem connectivity for wildlife in your own backyards using native plants and helpful gardening practices. Gardening for Wildlife is not only good for our fellow animal species, but it can also save on water and fertilizer use, help store carbon, and in the big picture help to connect all of us more closely to the natural world.

Time: 15:00 GMT

Using “weeds” and wildflowers in a traditional garden setting

Using “weeds” and wildflowers in a traditional garden setting

Intelligent Trees with Suzanne Simard and Peter Wohlleben

Intelligent Trees with Suzanne Simard and Peter Wohlleben