The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Naturalistic Planting Part 2: Is ‘native’ the only answer to the biodiversity question?

Naturalistic Planting Part 2: Is ‘native’ the only answer to the biodiversity question?

The debate around native or exotic urban planting can sometimes be a thorny one, culturally, environmentally and emotionally and over the longer term, climate change brings the role of planting and landscape into sharp focus as we consider the future health of our cities.
Wholly exotic landscapes bring with them issues of culture, context and invasive issues. Perhaps the answer is somewhere in the middle.
Carefully controlled “wild” environments like small pocket parks or larger spaces like New York's famous @highlinenyc are vastly different, but non-native plants play a crucial role alongside native species. In this way designers are ensuring biodiversity, eco-systems and cultural aspects are all catered and cared for.
@jonhazelwood01 joins @jameshitchmough and internationally acclaimed garden designer @pietoudolf to propose a different, less binary way of thinking about natives and non-natives. Together they look at why carefully considered planting needs to be seen at scale, and for people, ecology and wildlife.


BioBlitz 2021 with the Museum of Zoology

BioBlitz 2021 with the Museum of Zoology

Art, Music, and Ephemerality in the Designed Landscape

Art, Music, and Ephemerality in the Designed Landscape