The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

5x15 on Rivercide

5x15 on Rivercide

Join George Monbiot, Franny Armstrong and Peter Armstrong on their quest to restore our rivers to their rightful place - not only in the nation’s imagination - but also to make them clean, swimmable, a rich diverse home to fish, birds and animals. We will hear from them about their innovative, "live documentary"- Rivercide- and from other leading experts and campaigners.
Rivers have long shaped our civilisation; they are universal, part of our heritage, our culture and our history. They exist in every country and can be mighty and powerful like the Amazon and the Mississippi, or they can be small - a stream splashing along a valley floor. We have all been touched by rivers, whether watching wildlife along their banks, swimming in them, walking besides them, or canoeing along them. We need rivers and depend upon them.
But today our rivers are struggling. Every single river, lake and stream monitored in England is polluted. As George Monbiot's Guardian investigations have revealed, water companies and farmers are allowed to dump waste - including raw sewage - straight into our rivers. Year on year, we’ve seen our rivers turn from beautiful, pristine ecosystems into open sewers, with no effective regulation and no effective punishments. It’s an ecological calamity. What can we do to change the story?

Time : 18:30 BST

@5x15stories @rivercide_live

Acoustic Identification - Noctule, Leisler's & Serotine

Acoustic Identification - Noctule, Leisler's & Serotine

Unforgettable Gardens - Alnwick Gardens

Unforgettable Gardens - Alnwick Gardens