The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Cultures, Politics and Histories of Vegan Practice

Cultures, Politics and Histories of Vegan Practice

Sheffield Animal Studies Research Centre (ShARC) welcome Dr Catherine Oliver and Dr Eva Haifa Giraud to discuss their new books exploring the cultures, politics and histories of vegan practice, followed by an audience Q&A.
Catherine Oliver is a geographer and postdoctoral researcher. Her forthcoming book, Veganism, Archives, and Animals (Routledge) explores the growing significance of veganism, bringing together important theoretical and empirical insights to offer a historical and contemporary analysis of veganism and our future co-existence with other animals. Bringing together key concepts from geography, critical animal studies and feminist theory this book critically addresses veganism as both a subject of study and a spatial approach to the self, society, and everyday life
Eva Haifa Giraud is a senior lecturer in Media at Keele University. In her forthcoming book, Veganism: Politics, Practice and Theory (Bloomsbury Academic), she offers an accessible route into the debates that surround vegan politics, which feed into broader issues surrounding food activism and social justice. Giraud engages with arguments in favor of veganism, as well as the criticisms levelled at vegan politics. She interrogates debates and topics that are central to conversations around veganism, including identity, intersectional politics, and activism, with research drawn from literary animal studies, animal geographies, ecofeminism, posthumanism, critical race theory, and new materialism.

Time: 13:00 BST

Gathering Moss- Robin Wall Kimmerer and Lucy Jones at 5x15

Gathering Moss- Robin Wall Kimmerer and Lucy Jones at 5x15

How to Draw Like Paula Rego

How to Draw Like Paula Rego