The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Marginal/Marginalised?: Rethinking marginality

Marginal/Marginalised?: Rethinking marginality

Workshop to share knowledge and experience in relation to people and landscape beyond the well-known urban park and garden. It is hoped this will also encourage networking between academics, practitioners and those involved in landscape decision making.
Some questions from the organising team to spark discussion at the event are as follows, but these are in no way comprehensive or without room for challenge:
• Is the use of the term marginal or marginalised a useful term? Who defines who falls into these groups – in terms of people, places and other non-human animals?
• How can we better contextualise conflicts and contested use and experiences of such spaces?
• What issues accompany changes in the character of previously marginal spaces, for example as part of gentrification or rewilding? Who becomes (re)marginalised in the process?
• How can we think more about people being ‘out of place in place’ and the subtlety of segregation in British landscapes?
• How can questions of space and contest learn from/integrate with approaches in intersectionality or decolonising the narrative?
• What are the tensions between ideals of beauty and the reality of use and experience? Both in the past in terms of political judgements about ‘beauty’ and current use of social media such as Instagram?

Time: 16:30 BST

Sonic Legacies: Ludwig Koch and the Sound of the Environment

Sonic Legacies: Ludwig Koch and the Sound of the Environment

Plant Health and Diseases

Plant Health and Diseases