The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

FOLAR Symposium 2021: Festival of Britain 1951 and landscape design

FOLAR Symposium 2021: Festival of Britain 1951 and landscape design

The 1951 Festival of Britain was a national celebration to mark Britain's achievements and recovery following the Second World War, and was timed to mark the 100th anniversary of the 1851 Great Exhibition. In many ways this was also a coming of age for the British landscape architecture profession.
On the 70th anniversary of the Festival, the FOLAR Symposium 2021 marks the achievements of this young profession and its role in celebrating post war Britain.
This symposium accompanies the Museum of English Rural Life's online exhibition '51 Voices', an exploration and celebration of 51 Objects which reflect the ideas and products of 1951, the year the museum was established. The objects include items from the Festival of Britain's Country Pavilion, such as Michael O’Connor’s wonderful wall hanging.
Talks cover:
the organisation and precedents for the 1951 festival: talk by Dr Harriet Atkinson
the South Bank exhibition where (Sir) Peter Shepheard designed the public area downstream of Hungerford Bridge and Peter Youngman designed the upstream areas. Individual gardens were designed by Frank Clark and Maria Teresa Parpagliolo Shephard: talk by Dr Alan Powers
the Festival Gardens at Battersea Park where Russell Page was landscape architect for parts of. these gardens: talk by Helen Brown and
the Living Architecture exhibition on the Lansbury Estate, in blitz devastated Poplar, (Sir) Frederick Gibberd, architect and landscape architect designed the Chrisp Street Market and both Geoffrey Jellicoe and Peter Shepheard designed housing and Judith Ledeboer designed the Old People’s Home: talk by Camilla Beresford.

Time: 14:00 BST

Plants & gardens in print: a history

Plants & gardens in print: a history

Naturalistic Garden Design with Dan Pearson

Naturalistic Garden Design with Dan Pearson