The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Amazing Alpine Plants

Amazing Alpine Plants

Alpine Plants are amazing. They grow thousands of meters in altitude on the world's lofty peaks, and tundra at the far reaches of the planet close to the poles. They occur in a bewildering range of shapes, sizes and colours, and often flower en masse to form spectacular floral displays.
Blue flowers are unusually common in Alpine areas, and in this film, we discover a range of saphine blue blooms, including the rare blue Meconopsis poppies. We also discover several species of "greenhouse plants" that use modified leaves to trap warmth and enable photosynthesis, even at over 4,000 m! Join Stewart McPherson on a journey to discover the world's most amazing Alpine plants!

John and Fi's 2023 Hilldrop Open day

John and Fi's 2023 Hilldrop Open day

City-Dwelling Bees: Urban Ecology and Urban Theory

City-Dwelling Bees: Urban Ecology and Urban Theory