The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Design Now Podcast: How designers are tackling climate change

Design Now Podcast: How designers are tackling climate change

In the inaugural episode of this Harvard GSD podcast we hear from people working in and around the school about the existential threat posed by climate change. Discover the surprising potential of irrigating agricultural land with sewage, and hear alternating perspectives on critical next steps: the imperative of food sovereignty, the need for self-sufficient cities, and “restoration ecology” schemes that begin right on Harvard’s doorstep.
Featuring: Seth Denizen, Martha Schwartz, Adriana David, David Moreno Mateos, Montserrat Bonvehi Rosich.

Robert Myers -The Florence Nightingale Garden: A garden for modern nursing

Robert Myers -The Florence Nightingale Garden: A garden for modern nursing

Prof. Duncan Cameron - Decoding the Secret Language of Soils

Prof. Duncan Cameron - Decoding the Secret Language of Soils