The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

SGD Conference - Our Future Health: how to unlock the restorative power of nature

SGD Conference - Our Future Health: how to unlock the restorative power of nature

The SGD Spring conference highlights the topic of Therapeutic Gardens this year. As modern life spawns ever increasing mental and physical health problems, a seismic shift in attitudes is occurring as growing evidence shows how important gardens and plants are for our wellbeing. As garden designers, we will have all pondered why the garden is so alluring and have our own answers to this question. Most of us appreciate the sensory qualities of plants, the calming nature of a garden pool, the soothing power of green; what can be harder to pin down is the science behind this sense of wellbeing. For our Digital Spring 2021 Conference, speakers Sue Stuart-Smith, Tijana Blanusa, Olivia Kirk, Topher Delaney, Johanna Gibbons, Tom Stuart-Smith, and Faith Ramsay as our Chair, will present findings from contemporary research into the health benefits of green spaces and explore how garden design and plants can influence our sensory experiences, psychology and wellbeing. Examining the health problems we face in the modern world, they will explain how we can mitigate these through the gardens and landscapes that we design, from sowing seeds at rehabilitation centres and community garden projects to the principles of user-led design, plant selection and spatial layout.

Time: 09:45 BST

University of Oxford Botanic Garden - 400 years of gardening and botany

University of Oxford Botanic Garden - 400 years of gardening and botany

Rhododendron Cuttings - Cuttings with Ross Underwood at Hodnet Hall

Rhododendron Cuttings - Cuttings with Ross Underwood at Hodnet Hall